It all starts with desire, moves to a plan, and each piece takes on a life of it's own. It looks simple but there is a lot of work and time involved in the creative process from start to finish. I'll share some photos so you can get an inside view. The plan! I'm so lucky when I receive scraps from carpenters. It's beautiful, unique and deserves a new life. Each piece really does have a story to tell. Cutting wood with a chop saw, inserting hanging holes with router, and sanding tops, backs and sides with a palm sander. Sawdusty but fun! Still have all my fingers dad, don't worry. ![]() I found these "wings and arms" scattered around an old tree in our yard. It's our favorite tree and I love the idea of honoring it with these…..BIRDS! Yep. I think they will be birds. "My favorite place is inside your hug" "Open your mind it's beautiful inside" I hinted to Neil that we NEED to go on a VACATION to collect more driftwood. He suggested EBAY, ha! Look what came in the mail today! "Say no to bad things" "Have less do more" By the way, when you see a photo in this post that is beautiful, my daughter Samara took it. When you see one that's blurry and not as professional, it was me. Trying. I have weird boxes like this with weird labels. Organization and lots of supplies on hand makes me happy :) "When nothing goes right, go left." Each body gets a personalized painting. Why? Because I'm a painter, duh. I have boxes and drawers filled with little scraps and doodads that become faces and personalities. I try to remember that "less is more" . It's hard not to get carried away! Neil surprised me with a new nail gun. I absolutely love it! Having the right tools is key. When I look back on these photos I realize that the chop saw, sander and router were all his idea too. hmmmmmm I guess I should listen to him more often. I was just THINKING, years ago when I made my first "sculptures" like this, I had to categorize them for inventory and came up with the title "THINKERS". I"m always trying to THINK of a new name but I can't THINK of one. Let me know if you THINK of one. ![]() Finished! …...Well….I kinda think I'll add an ear for that bird to whisper into…it just needs it.
Come to the LANESBORO ART IN THE PARK in southern MN on June 21 and you can see this one when its finished and several more! Pick one out and then BUY ONE :) (subliminal message) Comments are closed.
Hi :) |